7 Ways To Keep Our Children Healthy

1.  Keep Active.  Bring your children to playgrounds, play ball, jump rope or just go for a walk. 2. Stock up on in-season fruits and veggies and you'll be providing your child with low-calorie, low-fat food options which are also packed with nutrients. 3. Set realistic goals for your child to achieve (jump rope 20 times).  And if your child does not always win, teach them its not the end of the world.  The important thing is not to give up. 4. Involve your child in learning more about nutrition by inviting your child to help out in the kitchen (crack eggs, mix, make a salad).  This can also create some unforgettable memories for the whole family. 5. Make healthy choices yourself, and the child in your life will model your behavior. 6. Make the most of your time together.  Pay attention to each other while you talk. 7. Teach your child to love and accept themselves for who they are.
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