We know this is one of the busiest holidays for travel. We found some safety tips on Red Cross website and wanted to share We hope everyone will have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day Weekend!
"Red Cross Offers Memorial Day Weekend Travel Safety Tips
[caption id="attachment_1393" align="alignnone" width="300"] Image taken from www.redcross.org[/caption]
With more people traveling over the holiday weekend, it’s more important than ever to drive safely. Be well rested and alert, use your seat belts, observe speed limits and follow the rules of the road. If you plan on drinking alcohol, designate a driver who won’t drink.
1. Don’t follow another vehicle too closely.
2. Pay attention – avoid distractions such as cell phones.
3. Turn the headlights on as dusk approaches or in bad weather. Don’t overdrive your headlights.
4. Make frequent stops. During long trips, rotate drivers. If you’re too tired to drive, stop and get some rest.
5. If you have car trouble, pull off the road as far as possible.
TRAVEL PREPAREDNESS TIPS Pay attention to the weather forecast for your destination. Travel and weather web sites can help you avoid storms and other regional challenges that could impact your safety. Other things you should do to prepare for your trip include:
1. Don’t let your vehicle’s gas tank get too low.
2. Carry a Disaster Supply kit in your trunk.
3. Let someone know your destination, your route, and when you expect to arrive. If your car gets stuck along the way, help can be sent along your predetermined route.
4. Pay attention to the weather forecast for your destination and find out what disasters may occur there.
5. Download our Red Cross apps to have important information on hand for different types of weather disasters and how to handle first aid emergencies."
Happy Memorial Day!!!