As parents, we express love for our children in our own unique ways. However, there is always at least one more thing we can add to make our children feel loved every single day. We found these 2 lists on and
Ladies Home Journal. We could not choose between them, as all these advises are priceless. Here they all are (with Love from our Family to Yours):
Written by Heather Johnson (the Idea Room):
"Spend time with them.
Love is spelled T-I-M-E. Spending quality one on one time with our children make them feel much more loved than candy hearts and lollipops. This Valentines Day, give your children a real gift, by committing to spend 15 minutes a day with each of them. Your time together should be technology free and uninterrupted. Let your child choose what they want to do. What ever they choose, get involved and be in the moment. Look into their eyes, take note of the way their hair falls on their forehead. Marvel at their laugh and drink in their spirit.
Commit to Family Rituals.
Rituals provide children with predictability, connection, a sense of identity, and give you an opportunity to teach them values. Not to mention, rituals build memories and life long bonds. Work to put meaning into the everyday activities. Do something together every Saturday morning, even if it is yard work. Eat family dinner, go for walks on Sunday afternoons, read stories together every night before bed. Incorporate rituals into your daily lives.
Don’t hold grudges.
It is easy to let the temper tantrums and back talk start to build up. Without even knowing it, we hold the behavior against our children and enter the next situation, already irritated with them. Don’t. Let it go and start fresh each and every minute. And, don’t ever withhold affection as a punishment.
Share yourself with your children.
Can you juggle, make funny faces, do a cartwheel? Show your kids. Let them get to know you. They will LOVE you for it. Let them see you are fun, and normal, and exciting. Tell them stories about growing up. Share yourself with them. It will help you remember who you are too.
Encourage them often.
We can be quick to offer praise when our children do something good. Instead of praise, offer encouragement, wether they do well or not. Give them specific feedback about the effort and skill they demonstrate. Be sure you encourage even when they don’t succeed. Talk about the effort, more than the outcome.
Tell them “I love you” and give them hugs and kisses every day.
No exceptions. And not just at bed time, or when they do something good. Even if it has been one of “those” days. Hug them anyway, love them anyway and tell them you love them. They will thrive on the affection and reassurance. It feels good when people tell us we are loved. It is the same for children. They need to hear it often.
Don’t multitask.
Put everything away. Stop doing the laundry, don’t text on the phone when they are trying to tell you a story, and get down to their level. Really, really listen. You will hear so much more than their words.
Say YES.
Do they want ice cream for breakfast? Once in a while that’s okay. Do they want to play a little longer. That’s okay too. It’s okay to bend the rules every now and again and say YES. Children can easily feel like all we do is say No. Change things up and try to say yes to as much as you can. If you have to say no, rephrase the answer, suggesting what they can do, or can have, instead of what they can’t.
Be at the crossroads.
If possible, be at the crossroads of their day. When they leave for school, when they come home from school, as they come and go between activities. This can’t always be the case for every household. But whenever possible be available during these times. Be available to chat, and encourage your children as you send them out the door. Be a loving and friendly face to receive them when they walk back in the door. Be their cheerleader as they tackle the world. Pompoms optional.
See your children as people, not objects.
Instead of seeing your children as objects or road blocks that get in the way of what you want and need to do, like the dishes, or making a phone call, see them as people. While in the middle of dishes, it is easy to feel like your 5 year old’s request to play Candy Land is a burden. But stop for a minute and look at things from your child’s perspective. She has hopes and dreams and fears just like you do. Our kids don’t understand what it is like to be a mom and/or wife, as well as all the other hats we wear. If you take a minute and look at things from their perspective, your heart will be softened and we will start to really SEE the little/or big person who is standing in front of us.
Give your children the real gift of love, give them more of you!"
Written by Bethany Kandel (Ladies Home Journal):
"1. Spend time alone with each of your children. Go out to lunch, take a leisurely walk, or just hang out together letting them know you value them as individuals.
2. Nurture self-esteem and self-confidence by praising good effort and a job well done, not just results.
3. Celebrate everyday accomplishments. Make a special dinner with your child as the guest of honor to toast losing a tooth, making the soccer team, getting an A on a science paper, and more.
4. Teach children to think positive by being positive. Instead of noting how dirty they are when they come in for dinner, say, "Looks like you had a great time!"
5. Read "just one more book" even if it's late and you're tired. And don't forget to read to older children who already know how to read themselves. It's a great opportunity to snuggle.
6. Get out the photo albums and their baby books and tell your children stories about their beginnings.
7. Remind them of something they've taught you.
8. Tell them how wonderful it is being their parent and how much you like the way they're growing up.
9. Let your children choose their own clothes. It shows you respect their decision-making ability. Besides, everyone will know you didn't dress them. You would never mix plaid and stripes!
10. Get messy with your kids: Make snow angels, put your hands in the finger-paint, and mush up that clay.
11. Get to know their schedules, friends, and teachers so you can ask, "Did you and Sam sit together at lunch today?" or "What did Mr. Rogers sing in music class?" instead of simply, "What did you do today?"
12. Stop washing the dishes and talking on the phone and really listen when they are talking to you.
13. Teach your children to play jacks, use a yo-yo, knit, or do something you loved as a child. Or let your child choose something new you can learn together.
14. Bend the rules. Let your children put on their boots and jump in the puddles you usually tell them to avoid.
15. Eat dinner together even if it's just once a week. Take turns sharing your week's accomplishments.
16. Cut their sandwiches into shapes with cookie cutter hearts and stars.
17. Slip little love notes, jokes, poems, and words of encouragement into your children's lunchboxes, backpacks, or next to their beds (if you leave before they wake up), just to let them know you're thinking about them all day long.
18. Let your children overhear you complimenting them to someone else.
19. Wear the "jewels" your children make for you and display their artwork proudly in a special, visible place.
20. Try not to do all the things your parents did that you vowed never to do to your children.
21. Instead of saying, "You're doing it wrong," when your child makes a mistake, try saying "Why don't you try it this way."
22. Create a secret word, sign, or gesture of affection that only you and your child share.
23. Remember to give your children a lasting gift: roots and wings. If they push for independence, take it as the sign of a job well done.
24. Forget about yesterday. Start each day fresh. It's a new opportunity to have a better relationship with your children and to fall in love with them all over again.
25. Hug them, kiss them, and say, "I love you" every day, no matter what. Kids thrive on it and it's a daily fix we all need no matter what our age!"