A Great Use for an Empty Tissue Box !!!
This is the season for viruses, colds and the evil flu! Germs are attacking anyone and everyone! Noses are running like rivers. Tissues are flying everywhere. Any little bit of assistance and relief would be oh so welcome. This is a super neat idea for any parent of a child who has a runny nose, or just anyone who needs it. Attach an empty tissue box to a full one with the help of a rubber band and you have a disposable trash can for used tissues. Convenient and hygienic all around. No more tissues all over the place and one great way to fight germs from spreading all over. A great tip and photo from MeckMom blog!
[caption id="attachment_742" align="alignnone" width="448"]
Attach an empty tissue box to a full one for a great disposable and germ-free used tissue collector.[/caption]