The Easiest Recipe Ever !

We found this recipe on , created by Lauren .  We tried it, LOVED it and decided to share.  Our favorite things to add are a handful of crushed M&Ms (did not have chocolate chips on hand), a tablespoon or 2 of crushed pecans and pure vanilla extract to taste.  Fantastic, healthy and supremely delicious!!!  An easy recipe to make with children. This recipe is taken directly from the  website. "Ingredients: 2 large old bananas 1 cup of oats (quick or regular! if you use regular, we’d suggest chopping them a little so everything holds together better) [caption id="attachment_1213" align="alignnone" width="300"] Image from[/caption] Mix those two together. Old bananas are amazing for this, but you can use fresh ones too. I buy a bunch of bananas, let them get old on my counter, and then stick ‘em all in the freezer. [caption id="attachment_1214" align="alignnone" width="300"] Image from
Mixed ingredients[/caption] Then add in what sounds yummy to you! (or nothing!) We love: -a handful of chocolate chips -crushed walnut pieces -cinnamon -raisins [caption id="attachment_1215" align="alignnone" width="300"] Image from
Ready for baking[/caption] Since all bananas are different sizes, the needed measurements can vary. If it seems too runny and the cookies would flatten out too much, add in more oatmeal. And make sure to not add in TOO many mix-ins as the cookies won’t hold together very well. The ones in these photos have a handful of chocolate chips, a teaspoon or two or cinnamon, and 1/4ish a cup of crushed walnuts. We made 16 cookies with those measurements. We cook them at 350 degrees for 15 minutes on a GREASED cookie sheet. Don’t forget the greased part…. I did once and had to scrub my pan forever. [caption id="attachment_1216" align="alignnone" width="300"] Image from
Baked cookies[/caption] These cookies taste most amazing right out of the oven. But still great later. I wouldn’t even know if they taste great 2 days later because they’ve never lasted that long. Leave out the chocolate chips and they are all health." THANK YOU LAUREN!!!
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